Established in 1997, Euroquality is a service provider specialised in innovation consulting. Its main activities are setting up European projects (e.g. Horizon Europe, LIFE, Erasmus+), carrying out economic studies, policy evaluation, technological and technical studies, development of communication material, training, and the management of national and European projects.
Maastricht University aims to constantly get engaged in sustainable development, thereby establishing a European, cross-border research institute-Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM)-focusing on the development of advanced biobased materials. AMIBM designs create and translate biobased molecules, processes and materials into applications that outperform functionality and sustainability for better living. AMIBM is located in the Netherlands on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in the Dutch Province of Limburg and has a branch office in Germany; and conducts innovative fundamental, applied, and translational research by creating synergies between academia and industry. AMIBM constantly seek to design, create and translate biobased molecules, processes and materials into applications that outperform in functionality and sustainability for better living in order; To meet the need for biobased materials producing and using industries (SME and large industries) To fulfil the obligations of the direct stakeholders (Province of Limburg, UM, RWTH Aachen University, Fraunhofer IME) To take responsibility for the society (legislators, students, scientific and public community)