MOF2H2: Game Changer for Water Splitting.

Join MOF2H2 in revolutionizing low carbon hydrogen production. Using sustainable photocatalytic overall water splitting, we aim to develop efficient and scalable systems with a record-breaking efficiency of 5% solar-to-hydrogen efficiency. Help us build a sustainable future.

About MOF2H2

Revolutionizing Hydrogen Production

MOF2H2 acronym stands for Metal Organic Framework for Hydrogen production by photocatalytic overall water splitting. The MOF2H2 project is a collaborative effort towards sustainable low carbon hydrogen production. With 8 partners in 4 countries and 3 M euros in funding from the EU Commission, our focus on developing efficient and scalable photocatalytic systems has the potential to transform the industry. 

Key Facts

Start date: November 2022

End date: October 2025

Total EU Funding 3 M €

Number of Partners 8

Countries Involved 4

Tested Prototypes 3

MOF2H2 Main Objective

Sustainable Hydrogen Production

The MOF2H2 project aims to understand, optimize and demonstrate the technical feasibility of sustainable, cheap heterometallic noble metal-free MOFs for visible light overall water splitting, and to develop a world record efficiency for sun-driven clean hydrogen production using MOFs as photocatalysts. The focus of the project is on developing and optimizing these MOFs as efficient and scalable photocatalytic systems for overall water splitting using sunlight irradiation. 


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