Our four partners include academic institutions, research centers, and industry leaders, all working together towards a common goal. Through collaboration and knowledge sharing, the MOF2H2 project aims to make significant strides in the field of low carbon hydrogen production, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

To learn more about Partners, click on a flag on the map below.

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ESPCI Paris has set up a tradition of excellence in research, with distinguished faculty that have contributed to its history, such as Pierre and Marie Curie, Paul Langevin, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, and Georges Charpak. The five Nobel laureates in this list are emblematic of the exceptional ethos embodied in the permanent culture of excellence at ESPCI Paris.

ESPCI Paris hosts 10 research units, all associated with CNRS and/or INSERM and/or other Parisian Universities in the form of joined research units, covering the fields of physics, chemistry, and biology. Favouring interdisciplinary, and operating at the frontiers between fundamental research and innovation, are two major objectives of ESPCI Paris. This is achieved through a flexible organization (without departments) that ensures a cross-fertilization between scientific disciplines, as well as a direct connection between basic science and applications.

One of ESPCI’s distinctive features is that it carries out fundamental research into areas of major interest to industry while developing various approaches to practical industrial problems through the deep, fundamental understanding of the mechanisms at play. Performing fundamental research while keeping an eye on applications enables ESPCI research scientists to make an impact at multiple levels.

Scientists at ESPCI Paris publish more than one scientific paper a day, and at the same time apply for one patent a week and create several technology-driven start-ups every year - over the last 10 years. ESPCI has a long experience in the management of European projects. With a large place for collective guidance as part of the management inside the consortium, the organization will provide strong administrative support to such projects, with dedicated staff on financial, legal, and administrative issues.

ESPCI is also a part of Paris Science et Lettres (PSL) University – an ambitious collaboration project of 26 research institutions in a broad range of disciplines from engineering, chemistry and oncology to economics, management, the humanities and the performing arts.

The IMAP, a joint CNRS ENS ESPCI unit created at the end of 2016 (and previously the Porous Solids Team at Institut Lavoisier de Versailles) and composed of 9 staff members and ca. 20 PhD or post-doc research assistants, is one of the world leaders in the synthesis, structural characterization, and applications of porous MOF solids with more than two hundred reported new porous solids within the last decade.

It has developed a well-established expertise in the hydro/solvothermal synthesis and structure determination using when required computer modelling, of new porous MOFs. This know-how has been developed in conjunction with the understanding of their formation mechanism through the development of in or ex-situ studies (solid-state NMR, X-ray diffraction, PDF...) and the identification of the inorganic or hybrid building units present in solution.

The group also developed a large network of collaborations to deeply characterize these hybrid solids (in-situ PXRD, IR, Raman as well as Mössbauer spectroscopies, molecular simulation...) as well as study their properties in several strategic and/or societal domains of application (greenhouse gases sorption, liquid-phase separation, CO2 conversion, magnetism, lithium-ion insertion, proton conductivity, water remediation, drug delivery, thin films...) including H2 production since very recently.

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The IMAP, a joint CNRS ENS ESPCI unit created end of 2016 (and previously the Porous Solids Team at Institut Lavoisier de Versailles) and composed of 9 staff members and ca. 20 PhD or post-doc research assistants, is one of the world leaders in the synthesis, structural characterization and applications of porous MOF solids with more than two hundred reported new porous solids within the last decade. It has developed a well-established expertise in the hydro/solvothermal synthesis and structure determination using when required computer modelling, of new porous MOFs. This know-how has been developed in conjunction with the understanding of their formation mechanism through the development of in or ex-situ studies (solid state NMR, X-ray diffraction, PDF...) and the identification of the inorganic or hybrid building units present in solution. The group also developed a large network of collaborations to deeply characterize these hybrid solids (in-situ PXRD, IR, Raman as well as Mössbauer spectroscopies, molecular simulation...) as well as study their properties in several strategic and/or societal domains of application (green-house gases sorption, liquid phase separation, CO2 conversion, magnetism, lithium ion insertion, proton conductivity, water remediation, drug delivery, thin films...) including H2 production since very recently.

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World-Class Research Facilities and Expertise

10 laboratories/research units

+500 Researchers

6 Nobel Prizes

Approx. 500 scientific papers per year

Activities in Mof2h2

Besides being the scientific coordinator partner of the project, the ESPCI-IMAP will be in charge of the synthesis of MOFs materials (known or refined, optimisation), and the overall strategy of MOFs and MOFs composites developments. ESPCI-IMAP will be leading:
i) the WP4 aiming at the development of a second generation of MOFs with enhanced performances; and several sub-tasks in other WPs dealing mainly with
ii) optimization of MOF particle size, iii) the preparation and characterization of shaped MOFs,
iv) the development of greener and scalable synthesis conditions and
v) the preparation of MOF MNPs composites.



The CNRS is the largest public research organisation in France, accounting for around 1 100 research units (either joint or not) throughout the country. As a multidisciplinary institution, it covers all fields of scientific research driving various programmes and actions designed to address society and industry expectations. Most particularly, CNRS has the following missions: i) to evaluate and carry out all research capable of advancing knowledge and bringing social, cultural, and economic benefits for society, ii) to contribute to the application and promotion of research results, iii) to develop scientific information, iv) to support research training and v) to participate in the analysis of the national and international scientific climate and its potential for evolution in order to develop a national policy. In MOF2H2, the CNRS involves three different academic labs: the #Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier (ICGM) (www.icgm.fr) , the #Catalysis and Spectrochemistry Laboratory of Caen (LCS) (https://www.lcs.ensicaen.fr/en/) and the Institut des Matériaux Poreux de Paris - (IMAP) (https://www.chimie.ens.fr/recherche/laboratoire-imap/imap/) with expertise encompassing from the synthesis and the advanced characterisations to the computational studies of porous solids.

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Activities in Mof2h2

In HE MOF2H2, the CNRS will bring core knowledge on the #mof and spectroscopic/modelling tools to characterize and design the best performing catalysts.


Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)

General description: The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is a public, dynamic and innovative academic institution that maintains strong links with the social and economic environment. That is why our institution is regularly positioned in different international ranking such as ARWU, QS and THE in the top 400 universities in the world and recognize UPV as the university with the highest social and economic impact in Spain. Our group is composed by national and international researchers specialized in photocatalysis and in the preparation of novel photocatalysts based on metal oxides, MOFs, COFs and graphenes among others.

Activities in Mof2h2

Activities in MOF2H2: In MOF2H2, UPV as research-oriented partner will bring core knowledge on the MOFs, as well as ways of developing the best performing ones; will provide the consortium its knowledge on photocatalytic activities characterisation and in prototyping photocatalytic pilots, developing the laboratory-scale photocatalytic system.


Université de Montpellier (UM)

For the past 800 years, the Université de Montpellier (UM) has strived to address scientific and societal challenges. UM is a research-intensive university where education and research cover most of the Scientific and Technological fields. UM gathers around 50,000 students and 4800 staff members. Research at UM is structured into 72 laboratories most of which are in partnership with well-recognized French research organizations. UM has 16 technology platforms and services centers offering access to the state-of the-art research facilities. UM possess since 2015 the “HR Excellence in Research” award from the European Commission (EC) for its Human Resources Strategy for Research (HRS4R).


CNRS-ICGM is a multidisciplinary research laboratory with five departments and nearly 500 staff. The ICGM contributes to the development of research in chemistry with the aim of developing and characterizing complex functional materials with a strong societal impact, particularly in the fields of health, environment and energy. In particular, the Porous and Hybrid Materials department of the ICGM possess a strong expertise in the design, development, characterization and modeling of porous materials and functional hybrid materials, up to the optimization of their interfaces and properties, particularly in adsorption and catalysis; and it involves the work of 30 permanent and 27 non-permanent researchers.

State-of-the-Art Research Infrastructure and Skilled Professionals

72 Laboratories

57 Researchers

4800 staff members

16 technology platforms and services centers.

Activities in Mof2h2

UM will bring his background in molecular simulations to predict, understand and rationalize the catalytic performance of the MOFs. To this end, this partner will implement and develop a series of state-of-the-art theoretical tools based on quantum mechanical and classical models combined with machine learning algorithms, with the aim of assessing the characterization of the structural, opto-electronic, vibrational and thermodynamic properties of the MOF based materials and composites; thus being able to shed light on many physical processes underlying the process of catalysis, such the solvent adsorption/diffusion, photo carrier generation and dynamics, reaction mechanisms, material stability, interfacial charge transfer, etc; and to predict new promising MOF catalyst candidates based on reliable structure/property relationships.


Université de CAEN (UNICAEN)

The University of Caen Normandy (UNICAEN), founded in 1432 by the English King Henry VI, is one of the oldest universities in Europe. UNICAEN is a multidisciplinary university, open-minded, with a strong international dimension as it has partnership with 276 universities in 52 countries. UNICAEN trains more than 33 000 students registered in 200 diplomas, and employs about 1300 researchers in 45 research units (including 21 affiliated to national research organisms, such as CNRS, INRA, INSERM or CEA). UNICAEN also delivers more than 130 doctoral degrees per year among its 8 doctoral schools.


The CNRS- Catalysis and Spectrometry Laboratory (LCS) is a joint lab between CNRS, ENSICAEN and UNICAEN. It works on the preparation and study of solid catalysts for applications in environment and sustainable development. LCS is leader in the observation of (photo)catalytic materials and processes at the molecular scale, inside a working reactor, in real time, during the chemical reaction (operando spectroscopy). With its strong facility, LCS is a unique position in car exhaust treatment, pollution abatement, gas separation, CO2 sequestration and reuse, in energy production (oil refining, bio-fuels) and in the domain of bio sourcing in chemistry. Since 2004, LCS has been very active in MOF investigations, becoming a worldwide recognised expert in the spectroscopic characterisation of those materials. This group is composed of 21 permanent researchers and 23 PhDs/Post Docs. During the last 5 years, the group has published over 500 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals

Research Facilities and Expertise of Exceptional Quality at UNICAEN

45 Research units

1300 Researchers

200 Diplomas

8 Doctoral schools

Activities in Mof2h2

CNRS-LCS/UNICAEN will contribute to the in-depth understanding of the water splitting mechanism and identification of the key MOF chemical, electronic and structural features that drive their performance with the purpose to guide the selection of novel MOF catalysts with improved activities. To this end, it will use its panel of competences and advanced characterisation tools developed by its members. Notably, transient absorption, time resolved photoluminescence and photocurrent measurements, operando techniques and transient IR measurements will be used to investigate the excited state behaviour, the charge separation and the reaction intermediates. More in details: in WP3, T3.1 (Photocatalytic assessment and advanced characterisation), CNRS-LCS/UNICAEN will contribute to the continuous in-depth characterisation of the optoelectronic properties of the MOFs to establish structure/activity relationship to guide the experimentalists in WP2 and WP4, and to refine and validate the models of T3.3. In particular, CNRS-LCS/UNICAEN will use in situ IR and UV‐vis spectroscopies to investigate the reaction mechanism of the photocatalytic process of MOFs from WP2 and WP4, using a dedicated operando IR setup. In WP5, T5.3 (Prototype testing and characterisation), CNRS-LCS/UNICAEN will use IR and Raman spectroscopies to monitor the stability or the evolving characteristics of the prototype, as well as in situ IR to check the differences in acid/redox metal sites as well as the presence of free ligands.

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Israel Institute of Technology

The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology is a public research university located in Haifa, Israel. Established in 1912, the Technion is the oldest university in the country. The university offers degrees in science, engineering and related fields such as architecture, medicine, industrial management, and education. It has 19 academic departments, 60 research centers, and 12 affiliated teaching hospitals. Since its founding, it has awarded more than 100,000 degrees and its graduates are cited for providing the skills and education behind the creation and protection of the State of Israel. Technion's 565 faculty members currently include three Nobel Laureates in chemistry. Four Nobel Laureates have been associated with the university. The Technion is considered to be a major factor behind the growth of Israel's high-tech industry and innovation.

Activities in Mof2h2

Technion will participate in the developing of MOF films and characterizing them by XPS, XRD, AES, SEM, EDX, TEM, and DR-UV-Vis (T2.3). Here, methods such as Spray pyrolysis, dip-coating, pressure imprinting will be utilized. The photocatalytic materials to be prepared both at WP2 and WP4 will be studied by transient IR spectroscopy to be performed at variable excitation wavelengths, en-route for understanding the governing mechanisms. In addition, both photocatalytic performance and stability tests will be performed in order to evaluate the adequacy of preparation methods (T3.1).

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Maastricht University

Maastricht University (UM) is the most international university in the Netherlands and, with nearly 22,000 students and 4,400 employees, is still growing. Thanks to its high-quality research and education and a strong focus on social engagement, the university distinguishes itself with its innovative education model, international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education. Research at UM is interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary, inspired by contemporary social issues and seeks to contribute to their solutions. To this end, researchers cooperate with colleagues from other disciplines and UM faculties and with Dutch and international institutions and businesses. The research at UM is also integrated with education at every level. Maastricht's identity is determined by its history, location and the people who live and work here. Maastricht University's research reflects this and is centred on four themes: Quality of Life, Learning and Innovation, Europe in a Globalising World, and Sustainability and Circularity. Some of the issues that fall under these themes are healthy ageing, climate change, demographic changes, the impact of technological developments, ageing populations, healthy and affordable food, and the European integration process. Maastricht University aims to constantly get engaged in sustainable development, thereby establishing a European, cross-border research institute-Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM)-focusing on the development of advanced biobased materials. AMIBM designs create and translate biobased molecules, processes and materials into applications that outperform functionality and sustainability for better living. AMIBM is located in the Netherlands on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in the Dutch Province of Limburg and has a branch office in Germany; and conducts innovative fundamental, applied, and translational research by creating synergies between academia and industry. AMIBM constantly seek to design, create and translate biobased molecules, processes and materials into applications that outperform in functionality and sustainability for better living in order;  To meet the need for biobased materials producing and using industries (SME and large industries)  To fulfil the obligations of the direct stakeholders (Province of Limburg, UM, RWTH Aachen University, Fraunhofer IME)  To take responsibility for the society (legislators, students, scientific and public community)

Activities in Mof2h2

A detailed sustainability assessment (E-LCA and S-LCA) will be performed to respectively establish guidelines for pinpointing the source(s) of unsustainability concerning the environment and society, as well as assess the economic potential of the technology developed. First, to conduct the E-LCA, four main steps will be followed: 1) setup the LCA framework according to ISO 14040 and ISO 14044, including a benchmark of existing LCA on H2 production technologies like steam-methane reforming, biomass pyrolysis and high-temperature electrolysis (HTE); 2) gather data from the consortium to fill the life cycle inventory for laboratory-scale prototyping; 3) complete the inventory with data from the ecoinvent database; 4) calculate the impact and identify the hotspots and routes to lower them. The scope for E-LCA will include raw material flows and waste/emission flows of the H2-producing system, while the impact categories will include global warming potential (greenhouse gas emissions) and abiotic resource depletion potential. Then, for the S-LCA, three indicators will be considered: knowledge, perception, and fear associated with clean energy technologies (same benchmark as used in the E-LCA). Even though the targeted TRL at the end of the project is low (TRL4), partners believe that integrating such social sciences in MOF2H2 is of primary importance for preparing the future uptake of the MOFs/the water-splitting technology proposed. Hence, the S-LCA will be complemented by a survey on the public acceptance of the new technology. All the environmental and social impacts resulting from E-LCA and S-LCA will then be integrated into a standard scale for reaching an aggregated sustainability assessment.

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Established in 1997, Euroquality is a service provider specialised in innovation consulting. Its main activities are setting up European projects (e.g. Horizon Europe, LIFE, Erasmus+), carrying out economic studies, policy evaluation, technological and technical studies, development of communication material, training, and the management of national and European projects. Maastricht University aims to constantly get engaged in sustainable development, thereby establishing a European, cross-border research institute-Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM)-focusing on the development of advanced biobased materials. AMIBM designs create and translate biobased molecules, processes and materials into applications that outperform functionality and sustainability for better living. AMIBM is located in the Netherlands on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in the Dutch Province of Limburg and has a branch office in Germany; and conducts innovative fundamental, applied, and translational research by creating synergies between academia and industry. AMIBM constantly seek to design, create and translate biobased molecules, processes and materials into applications that outperform in functionality and sustainability for better living in order;  To meet the need for biobased materials producing and using industries (SME and large industries)  To fulfil the obligations of the direct stakeholders (Province of Limburg, UM, RWTH Aachen University, Fraunhofer IME)  To take responsibility for the society (legislators, students, scientific and public community)

Activities in Mof2h2

In MOF2H2, Euroquality supports the coordinator in managing the project by developing specific tools to facilitate know-how exchanges and collaborative work. Euroquality is also in charge of the communication activities (hence leading WP7) in close collaboration with the consortium.