Related projects
Related projects to MOF2H2 include other initiatives focused on sustainable hydrogen production, such as the Cat4Hytec H2020 project, MENACE-CO2 H2020 project, etc..
Name of the project:
Spanish national project (MOFOWS) 2019-2021
Project Summary:
To develop visible light-driven heterogeneous MOF photocatalysts for the OWS.
Joint interests:
This project used the reference MOF-based UiO-66/67 solids UPV as photocatalysts for the OWS. The methodology for MOFs synthesis and study can be used in MOF2H2.
Name of the project:
MENACE-CO2 H2020 2021-2023
Project Summary:
Understand a catalyst’s structure/activity relationship to boost the development of suitable catalysts for the photocatalytic reduction of CO2.
Joint interests:
Both photocatalytic processes, water splitting and CO2 reduction, have in common the oxygen evolution reaction that should occur with the highest possible efficiency.
Name of the project:
Cat4Hytec H2020 2021-2024.
Project Summary:
To develop heterogeneous (electro-/photo-)catalysts for hydrogen technology.
Joint interests:
Development of heterogeneous photocatalysts for the production of hydrogen from water.
Name of the project:
Spanish national project FRA-2016 2017-2020
Project Summary:
Develop MOFs as heterogeneous photocatalysts for CO2 reduction and H2 generation using H2O.
Joint interests:
This project was partially dedicated to study the UPV photocatalytic OWS using benchmark MOFs such as MIL-125(Ti)-NH2. The methodology for MOFs synthesis and study can be used in MOF2H2.
Name of the project:
H2ME H2020 2015-2020
Project Summary:
Hydrogen Mobility Europe is a flagship project giving fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) drivers access to the first truly pan-European network of hydrogen refuelling stations. This 5-year project will increase the number of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) operating on Europe’s roads and will lead in the creation of a pan-European hydrogen fuelling station network. This project demonstrates the breadth and depth of the commitment to hydrogen-fuelled road transport as a pan-European solution to the need to have viable, competitive, alternatives to fossil fuels.
Joint interests:
Decarbonising the transport sector with hydrogen.
Name of the project:
Project Summary:
Decentralised Ammonia production from Renewable Energy utilising novel sorption-enhanced plasma catalytic Power-to-X technology. This project aims to develop a new approach for decarbonizing NH3 production, enabling future applications such as energy storage as a green fuel. Replacing current process using fossil ressoruces with a sustainable alternative for the production of NH3, will contribute to decarbonising the European industry. To do so, the experts will disrupt the ammonia (NH3) production landscape by enabling sorption-enhanced plasma-catalytic NH3 synthesis.
Joint interests:
offer a greener and economically viable production of one key element in energy storage for transport.
Name of the project:
Methasol H2020 2021-2024
Project Summary:
The final target differs: producing methanol vs. producing H2 herein. MOFs from this project are also different than the one targeted in MOF2H2 as Cu species will be in METHASOL not foreseen as a Cu-PyC cluster.
Joint interests:
Yet, information about photostability of MOFs, photophysical modelling and characterisation methodologies will be a useful asset in MOF2H2.
Name of the project:
Novel metal organic framework adsorbents for efficient storage of hydrogen
Project Summary:
Widespread use of hydrogen as an energy carrier is a key priority for the EU. It is essential to achieve EU and national climate and energy transition targets. MOST-H2 works on an integrated multiscale lab-to-tank approach to develop, validate and demonstrate innovative, low cost, cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage. It aims at developing monolithic Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) adsorbents with an optimal combination of volumetric and gravimetric capacity. The targeted materials can store hydrogen efficiently, will be easy and safe to transport, and have a small environmental footprint.
Joint interests:
use of Metal Organic Frameworks for Hydrogen